Gulkana King Charters
When: June 15-July 3
Where: Gulkana River
Duration: 8 hours - $350 per person
Must Call to Book:
Regs: 1 king salmon per day - (4 per year in the Copper Basin)
Trip Details: Meeting at the Gulkana River Bridge - 20 minutes north of Glennallen on Richardson Highway Mile Post 127
Parking on the southwest side of the bridge
- From Glennallen - left side of the highway
- From Fairbanks - right side of the highway
What to bring: Fishing license with KING STAMP! Cooler with ice to leave in the car (to put the fish on once filleted), Layers of clothing as the weather can change quickly, snacks, water/beverages, sunscreen, hat.
*Fish will be filleted before clients leave the river. Clients are able to get their fish vacuum packed at Copper Central Fish Processing 907-822-4315
Where to stay:
**Bear Camp - Copper Center Call Blake 616-796-4483
-Princess Lodge Copper Center 907-822-4000
-Antlers Rest B&B Glennallen 907-822-4007
-Sawing Logzz Copper Center 907-259-3242
-Gakona Lodge 907-822-3482
-Riverview Bed and Breakfast Gakona 907-822-3321